Nitya Bachhawat


Usha went to live in Azimganj, unknown of what was waiting for her. Two nights later, she was killed by the goons in that village. They were very deadly. But Usha’s soul left her body and vowed for revenge. Usha lured the goons to a shed by the river. She haunted them and made them go crazy and then drowned them, in the river. Creepy isn’t it well? It makes me think what after we die? Do we become gods? Do we take a rebirth in other shape? I suppose we are reborn in some other form.

Indians think that we are given seven lives like in the movie, Jumanji. There are the gang of people in that movie. They are given lives and whenever they die, they are born in the same form, but in India, if I am a girl in this birth, I may be a boy in the next or an animal. When I have finished all my births, I go to heaven or the underworld. If I have done crimes (sins) in my life, I will be punished for the bad deeds. And if I have been a good living being and had a clean and good life with virtue, I go to heaven. Christians believe after death we will be brought before God. God will judge us and see if we lead a good life. If no, we are sent to hell, and if yes, we are given a respected place in heaven. Many cultures have and believe different facts about death, rebirth, moksh, nirvaan and afterlife. They all have their own culture and different beliefs in what happens at death and after death. Now if we come to ghost and spirits, I think they are real. I watched the movie in which a soul of a dead girl took permission from God to come on earth to her friends, her caretaker who picked her up from a road and looked after her. But this isn’t the reason I believe that ghost and spirits are real. My grandpa tells many stories of Ramayana and the Mahabharat. There are warriors and princesses and demi-gods that are sent to heaven and their soul remains there as they lead a clean virtuous life. Some people may not be lucky and led a life full of sin, deceit, dishonest and jealous life, and they are sent to the underworld to take punishment of their crimes and deeds in life. I also heard many stories from my relatives and family.

I believe in spirits as I am having a soul in my body. Every living organism has a soul and continue to have a soul in their next birth. As for ghost, no, I do not believe in them. I may see them in movies or read about them in books. But I think they are just fairy tales. I never in my life, heard any stories about someone coming back to life. I just read Harry Potter series which, is the most amazing fiction story series ever written on earth, for me. In that there is a magic spell that brings people to life. The dead people that come to life is called Inferies. It was the most dangerous spell, the wizarding world and only a cruel person, would use it. But in real life I have heard about some people who were saved from, extremely, near death situations. But I haven’t heard about anyone who has come to life after death. Now I haven’t, and I don’t think I will hear such weird stories ever. This idea makes me feel quite inquisitive and a bit very little bit scared.

Not much hours ago when I was writing this, I felt really shocked and random questions came to my mind. How does death feel? dreadful? When am I going to die? I am going to my which birth next? Who will I be in my next birth? Sometimes I just wish I could remember my previous birth or know about my next birth. Maybe this is my seventh birth. Oh my God! This is very confusing. It is making me curious too. Okay, this might be exciting too.

Scientists have no clear and solid evidence that there is life after death. However, some scientists believe your soul lives on the world beyond the physical world. Your soul gets a joyous, sense of relief and freedom. Some faiths also believe that their soul is reborn, but for those who took true teachings and achieve the release(moksha) or nirvana the cycle of rebirths ends forever. I actually think that our birth circle keeps on repeating. When we complete seven births and go to heaven or hell. God again sends us to complete another set of seven lives. I don’t know if I will ever get nirvaan and my cycle will come to an end. But I do know that this essay was the best I have ever written.